"School Time" Management
Preschool: If you are looking for a fun preschool experience for your child, you may want to consider JOY SCHOOL. Joy School is a preschool program that allows parents to create a group among their neighbors and friends and then take turns conducting and teaching the Joy School lessons. This wonderful preschool curriculum has been used by over 200,000 families and influenced maybe a half million kids; and now it is renewed, completely modernized, automated, and ready to download with all of the old ideas and stories about various kinds of joy that we all love so much, along with added activities and methods and ways to teach it all to our kids! You can learn more at Values Parenting: http://valuesparenting.com/joy-school/
Spark Stations: Discover the value of Spark Stations to inspire learning and preserve the JOY of discovery! The idea of Spark Stations was developed by Mary Ann Johnson. Her ideas include discovery in the area of math, science and language arts. This method is an excellent approach to homeschooling children from 4-8 years old. You can learn more at her website: http://home-school-coach.com/about-mary-ann-johnson/
Spark Stations: Discover the value of Spark Stations to inspire learning and preserve the JOY of discovery! The idea of Spark Stations was developed by Mary Ann Johnson. Her ideas include discovery in the area of math, science and language arts. This method is an excellent approach to homeschooling children from 4-8 years old. You can learn more at her website: http://home-school-coach.com/about-mary-ann-johnson/
Parent Resources for Foundation Years (Age 0-8)
Many parents are eager for their children to receive the best education possible. Even while your child is very young, parents can help their child lay a foundation for a successful future. The following three books are a great way to begin your journey of educating the next generation.
![]() A Thomas Jefferson Education by Oliver DeMille:
Every person has inner genius. A Thomas Jefferson Education consists of helping each student discover, develop and polish her genius. This is the essence and very definition of great education. Parents can give their children the gift of a great education by understanding and practicing the principles in A Thomas Jefferson Education. This is an outstanding resource for parents to read while children are young to gain knowledge and skills that will guide their children through a great education. Parents of young children should pay close attention to how they can help young children successfully navigate through Core Phase during their preschool years. Purchase at http://www.tjed.org/ |
![]() Restoring the Art of Storytelling by Marlene Peterson
The first step to learning how to read is to learn to love stories and books. This is accomplished by establishing a routine story time with children. Story time includes sharing a story from memory. The eye-to-eye, heart-to-heart interaction allows children to make connections with the storyteller and connect the story to real life. Mothers can become great storytellers as they develop their own resource bank of stories that can be told by heart. To learn more about storytelling, we recommend the book Restoring the Art of Storytelling in the Home by Marlene Peterson. Story time is the first step to a great education. It can begin in infancy and continue throughout the school years, even after children have learned how to read. If story time becomes a routine in the home, children will show an interest in learning how to read. Parents are advised to begin phonics lessons only after the child has shown interest. Purchase at: Libraries of Hope |
![]() The Read Aloud Handbook by Jim Trelease
Reading aloud includes reading stories from favorite books. This experience is also important to help children develop reading comprehension and to build vocabulary. We recommend a daily story/reading time in the home. This daily activity for young and old children alike will be the most important thing you can do for your child's education. We recommend The Read Aloud Handbook by Jim Trelease as a guide for parents seeking to establish quality reading time in the home. If story time and reading time become a routine in the home, children will show an interest in learning how to read themselves. Parents are advised to begin phonics lessons only after the child has shown interest. Purchase at: http://www.trelease-on-reading.com |
Parenting Resources
![]() Online parenting classes:
Love, Laughter, and Limits (LLL) teaches you practical ways to be a warm, positive, and happy parent. http://3lparenting.com/ ![]() Personality Plus: How can you improve your relationship with your children and more effectively parent them? Florence Littauer helps you identify, understand, and meet each child's unique needs.
Available on Amazon and at other book sellers. |
![]() Teaching Self-Government
No more whining, tantrums, and disobedience. Learn how you can transform your home. http://parentingselfgovernment.com/ Sleep Reports: A Parent's Guide to a Healthier Children's Sleep
Children need enough sleep to perform well with school work. The resources at Tuck will provide some ideas to help children get the sleep they need.
Dealing With Early School Start Times Preparing Kids for Napping at Daycare How Much Sleep Do Kids Need? Resources for helping individuals overcome substance abuse addictions.
https://www.therecoveryvillage.com/teen-addiction/ |
What should a 4 year old know? This is a great blog post to help you stay focused on the most important needs of your preschool children.
Homeschooling in Core Phase: This helpful blog post has been published on the TJed website and provides wonderful ideas for children under 8. A Parent's Guide to First-Aid This helpful article provides simple and clear instructions for parents and ideas for teaching children basic first aid. Children's Comprehensive Health Guide
You can promote children’s well-being by learning how their bodies grow, what diseases or disorders to look out for and how to identify risky products. This website provides a comprehensive overview of developmental milestones, recommended well child checks, and common health challenges in children. Please note that while the views expressed about vaccines and homeopathy are consistent with FDA guidelines, we encourage parents to do their own homework about these important topics. |